Saturday, March 21, 2009

The night started out well enough. Made a nice dinner, had a couple of drinks. Got all ready to do some writing. So I’m sitting here in front of the computer with a blank page. I used to have so many ideas that I’d have trouble deciding which idea to go with. Tonight, I’ve got nothing. It seems that it’s been a trend lately. A trend of nothing.

This is quite a disturbing trend. I’m not used to not having anything creative in my head. Not sure what I did to lose it. Not sure where it went, but I seriously need to get it back. There are a lot of stories that I need to put into words. A lot of tales that I need to tell. I hope the words and thoughts come back to my head soon. I know the images are there. I just need the words to describe them, to tell their story. Come back soon.


the M girl said...

i had the same exact thing...i wanted to paint.

Vas Ist Happening??

Anonymous said...

I think we need to go out for another night of Absinth. That'll inspire us :)

Anonymous said...

You are old and boring now...That could be one of the reasons.

Anonymous said...

so how much longer til you get back?

Michael said...

Having nothing to say or write never stopped anyone before...