Monday, December 06, 2004

Ho... Ho... Ho... Where my money at?
Wandering around looking for a bar this past Friday, I was swarmed by little old ladies masked behind these large shopping bags scurrying around like little rodents. The place was covered with shoppers busily running from one store to another to escape the cold and run towards the warm that is the ‘storewide sale’ signs. In the middle of the street, I proceeded to scream “ Buy more!! Buy!!! Buy!! We don’t have enough crap yet!! Must buy more!!!”

I got some strange looks, but oh well. I speak the truth.

There was a very very young couple (looks to be around 16 or so) in the middle of the street holding this big ass wooden cross. I’m not sure what they were screaming about (they were taking a break when I was walking past), but I doubt they were speaking out against consumerism. Once again, they did not tried to save me. They actually looked away when I tried to make eye contact. All street preachers does this. Weird.

I thought I’d try to get in the mood (holiday that is), by putting up the tree and lights on my balcony. That didn’t do it. Actually, that made me feel bad having decorated my place by myself. Sad I know. It all looked quite good if I do say so myself.

I went to the video store and rented Elf staring Will Farrell. That man is a genius! Brilliant!! I strongly recommend that movie.

It was not only a good movie, but it did get me more in the spirit of things. These holidays (around this time), whatever the origins are, are not about presents, but are about getting people to think about others. For once a year in our mostly seclude and selfish lives, we reach out and are nice (unless at the mall or in parking lots) to others, our family, friends, and strangers. I don’t care what the reason is, but this season makes people nicer and that is good.

Why we need a reason or holiday to remember to be nice to each other is beyond me.

Happy Monday everyone!

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