Tuesday, June 28, 2005


* Geek Post warning!

Nah hah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah… Pup-Man!!!

I went to see Batman Begins with a friend last night. I tell ya what. It’s good. Even better than the original one with Jack Nicholson. The Batman and Scarecrow were both very well acted out. The movie also stayed true to the title as it revolves around Batman, and not as much on the villians or anything else.

I read some reviews where people either liked the first part or the second part. I can see how different people would enjoy one or the other, but if you’ve read a lot of Batman over the years, you’d know both parts were pretty good.

I’ve always liked Batman. Unlike other super hero, he has no super powers to rely on. It’s just one angry angry man kicking ass and using his head. He’s also not all goody goody like Superman or other super-heros. Batman is a dark character and for the most part, many of the story lines that follows him remains just as dark. He walks a fine line between being good, and joining those that he hunts.

What’s also very interesting about Batman are the villains that he faces. These are not your alien, mutant, or super freak varieties. They’re just regular people. Regular people who are crazy that is. All of whom, by the way, are based very much on specific psychological disorders and whom, I can relate to. Scary as that sounds, I can see myself being quite a few of them.

Villians such as the Joker, Two-face, Scarecrow, and Dr. Freeze all have such rich background stories. They're not just your typical criminals out for property crimes, but are generally out there to hurt people for various reasons which I'm not saying I approve, but I understand.

When I watch movies like this, or read about great feats other people do, I always ask myself “what the hell have I been doing?”. I come home from work, maybe go play ultimate, if not, grab some food and watch TV or play some games. Isn’t there more I could be doing? Something actually productive?

I’m not suggesting I fighting crime or anything. Although after the movie, I mentioned that I could be Pupman here where I live. However, the only crimes I would fight would be a couple of under-age drinking and maybe trying to scare someone from buying that hideous H3. Not really the stuff of super-heros.

Finding a new goal has really been on my mind ever since I finished school. It’s been quite difficult to pick up something new and improve myself with. Physically, mentally, socially, whatever it is. I just hate to just be sitting around. It makes me feel boring and nothing is worst than that feeling that you're boring.

Although I must say, it’s hard to fight the urge of being lazy too.

I really wish I could take a month off or so to wander the country and find something new for myself. I'm very jealous of a couple of my friends that are doing that right now between jobs.

So, does anyone have any suggestions as to what new things I should get into? Hobbies, interests, ways of life? The only idea I’ve been playing around with is running for some type of elected office. Can you imagine? Pup on a ballot for something?!

Makes me giggle just thinking about it.

Happy Tuesday!!


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