Wednesday, November 03, 2004

God Damn Fucking Fucks.
What the Hell have you people done?!?

Are you all really that gullible and simple minded? Are you all so blind you can’t look past what’s three seconds ahead of you?!? Damn it!!!!!!!!!

Fuckady Fucking Fucks. Fuck.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck..... Argh.... Fuck!!!!

25 million fucking Evangelical Christians. How many fucking times must you mess with my life?!? Or for that matter, everyone else’s? Fuck you!!!! I mean it. You blind simple little pathetic pieces of shit. Fuck you!!!

So all 11 states approved a ban on Gay marriage??? Fuck you 11 states. Fuck you, you fucking fucktard fucks. What the fuck is wrong with your nosy ass self-righteous piece of shit self? Stay the fuck away from other people trying to be happy. IT DOES NOT FUCKING CONCERN YOU!!!!! Fuck off you fucks.

Thanks for all those who voted AssHat.

Thanks for showing the world that we approve of violence as the only solution to our problems.

Thanks for letting me know that you don’t give a fuck about anything but yourselves or care about anything that you can’t either make money from, eat, or fuck.

Thanks for turning back any type of social, scientific, or philosophical progress that we may have made in the last 50 years.

Thanks for making us just like those fucking terrorist. You know, those people that wants a country based on religious faith. Great job. Now they can move here and be happy. Or better yet, we could now take Iraq's place in the axis of evil.

Thanks for letting the fucking terrorists win. They did their job. They’ve instilled enough terror in all of you to blind yourselves so that you will perpetuate this war and play into their hands of spreading terror. Yay evil! Once again coming through in the disguise of being the “righteous”.

Thanks for letting the deaths of all the people in the last few years mean absolutely NOTHING.
And NO, that fucking stupid little yellow ribbon doesn't mean anything except that you spent $4 on some plastic piece of shit to stick on your car.

Thanks for letting the wealth gap continue to spread bigger and bigger. I hope you’re all white males. If not, I sur hope it fucks you in the ass with a spiky rusty pole.

Thanks for letting rich people get richer. Who couldn’t use another billion or so?

Fighting evil?! What the fuck is wrong with you? This isn’t a game. You don’t just find a boss at the end of the board and you kill it and then it’s all ok. There is no last guy. There is no winning a fight against evil. How fucking stupid are you? There is no good vs. evil. Get over this fucking dumb ass religious belief of good and evil. One can’t exist without the other. Get a fucking clue.

Fuck this fucking shit. What the fucking damn piece of shit thing do you have going in your fucking heads? All you little scared dumb pieces of shit. Not even half ass rational enough to know what the hell is really going on.

Damn it!!! Damn it all to hell.

Fuck you. Fuck you you fucking fuckass fucks.


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