Thursday, September 30, 2004

Yay Sprint!

We heard this a week ago, but it's public now.

We were all very shocked but proud, so I thought I'd give Sprint a shout out.
Now where're those damn benefits for single people?
On a different note:
Can anyone come up with a good drinking game for tonight's Presidential debate? Please share.
BTW: Please, Please, Please, WATCH the debate tonight. No matter who you're for, watch the debate !!! Stop this 'I don't care', 'too busy', or 'it's not my bag' crap. It should be your bag cause it will affect you and the world for at least the next 4 years, and NOTHING you've got going on should be more important than that.
Stop going by what you've seen in those ads or what others have told you. Judge these candidates for yourself! I know, a lot of this will be scripted, but it's still better.
Watch the presidential debate tonight!
Your questions from yesterday will be answered tomorrow.


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