Thursday, May 19, 2005

I heart waterfalls

This is a picture of a waterfall I recently hiked up when I was in Georgia. I miss hiking and camping. Sure I could hike in Kansas, but what's the point of hiking if there's no elevation change? Boorrrrring.

How in the world did I go from the nice rolling mountains of Georgia and TN to the great Rocky Mountains, then this? Flatest land in all the country? Sheese.

I have chosen..... poorly.

Does anyone else think the Chase Credit card commerical is kick ass? It has this couple going through all the stages of their lives and they use all these different credit cards. It's sappy, but good. What? Really it's good. Shut up!

I went to a Royals baseball game yesterday during work with work folks. It was the hottest day of the year yesterday at a killer 90-degrees. Being already burnt, I thought it'd be a good idea to slap on some SPF 50 since I'm already close to changing ethnic groups after last weekend.

After sitting out there for 3 hours, I didn't have anything even remotely close to a burn. Sundscreen huh? Go figure. Maybe I'll start using it more now. Although I still hate the smell of it.

This my newest New Music Recommendation. Jem - Finally Woken

After breaking away from the Holograms, Jem's out on her own. She's British and her music is very Sarah McLachlan/Dido - ish but with a bit more rocking and electronica. If you go to her site, you'll be able to listen to her whole album.

I can't believe I still haven't seen Star Wars yet. I've had chances both Wednesday night and last night to go, but just couldn't make myself go alone. I'm so lame.

Happy Friday everyone!

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