Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Dum dum dummmmmmmmm.......

Just in time for me to start feeling better is our yearly review. That dreaded review of how you are doing at work. I don’t think I have much to worry about, I think my boss generally likes my work. However, being secretly very neurotic, the worryness is working overtime.

Why the review for the previous year doesn’t come until March, I do not know. I’ve never had one with my present employer or manager so I’m not sure what all to expect. I DO know that I’ll find out my raise for the year and perhaps a bonus.

Mmmmm... bonus.

That bonus is already being planned to take me straight to somewhere tropical where I can just sit and sip a drink with an umbrella.

Yea.. I said umbrella... Put it in there!!!!

Maybe I won't get near anywhere tropical. I hope I at least get a slab of ribs. That'd be a great bonus. Here you go Pup, slab of ribs and some beans.

I think I can be happy with that.

OR.... the best way EVER to determine your yearly bonus.

Come on… big money... big prizes.... no whammies…


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