Monday, August 02, 2004

Global Warming, Tesla's Coil, and the Conundrum

Confusing, isn't it? This life thing I mean.... So I may have been drunk and I may or may not have talked to 6 girls at a bar for ten minutes each (dude, I didn't wear a watch, time was fluid). But I got nothing. I know that had I found an interest in someone at the bar, I would not have presented myself. I would just freeze up. The six that I bumped into were in the way, literally. They are just part of the game: 7 by New Year's. If I don't want to be interested in 7, 70, 700..., girls then I see no point in the exercise. They're just plots on a graph of those I talked to and those I never will. Hell, I'm a plot point myself. I don't care.

It seems like if I wanted to win the bet, then I can do it. I'm putting forth the effort; it wouldn't take much for me to win. I honestly don't care if I win or lose. I'm on the winning side now. What I don't get is the importance of this. When will it hit me? Number 7? Sloth, do you have the answer?

A good friend of mine paid me an office visit about 2 hours ago. We talked about the petty shits of relationships. He's on the rebound and his new flame is rebounding as well. Me? I can girls even!!! So we caught up with each other. "Try it with a French accent," he tells me! I'll give it a go next time.

I realized after he left that I may care enough about someone to share my feelings with a third party. That's crap. I don't want feelings. Honestly, I don't need the bother of trying to learn someone else's feelings for me, and why should I put someone else through the same thing? Trying to figure me out and shit. I know exactly what Yuna thinks of me: Nothing. And that's fine. I'm spared a migraine. Not to mention the anxiety attack. This post is going nowhere.

Oh, Ko I've given up collecting cards, though I still play from time to time. I'm wanting to give up the pointless "Game" too..

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