Monday, August 23, 2004

Risking Life and Limb To Blog...
Tell me if this is strange.

I'm writing under serious distress. There's a huge thunderstorm outside my apt. There is a tornado a few miles away from where I live. Yes, I'm on the oncoming path. The Tornado sirens are going off (kinda scary, I'm expecting an air raid by the communist). Incidentally, I also heard the funniest warning ever a few minutes ago(not funny haha.. funny kinda dark) :

"We strongly advise everyone to move to the lowest floor of your home. If you have a basement, get in it. If not, go to the lowest floor and stay away from the windows. If you live in a trailer home, please consider going somewhere else."

Seriously. the trailer home comment is true.

It's pouring rain sideways.. I'm risking it though, even with all hell coming downright outside. All in the name of blogging. I'm dedicated to bringing you the latest.

Pups gets scared of big thunderstorms in a wierd loving sort of way. Even though we have electricity (hence writing you), we're going to pretend it's gone and play around with my super powerful spotlight flashlight (like the ones the police has).... It seriously can light up the whole apt. Scares the shit out of the neighbors too.

So that wasn't the strange part. Here's the strange part. When there's a big storm outside, and I'm pretending there's no electricity, I play Christmas music (don't ask about logistics of no electricity and playing music).

So there's big end-of-the-world storm/tornado outside. Soft Christmas music playing... eek.. Creepy isn't it?.... good fun.

Wish me luck making it out ok.

~children singing~ Oh the weather outside is frightful....

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