Sunday, August 01, 2004

I'm back...

and I am engaged. According to Pup, I finally tricked some unwitting soul into marrying me...LOL. Sorry Pup and T, I didn't bring you back any pr0n from Thailand. Use the Internet; that's why it was invented for.

It's been a while, but it's time to make fun of T. On 2 separate occasions, I have tried to set T up. Upon one meeting or date, my female friends have questioned my sanity in setting them up with T. Twice, I have been forced to defend my judgment by saying "At least, T ain't a serial killer!"

It seems to me that T is like the struggling US retailer, Kmart. That's right, you are Kmart! No matter how many customer you get to shop there for the first time. People just don't want to go back. So I think T needs to find a way to boost "customer satisfaction". So please help T by giving him some tips on improving "customer satisfaction".

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