Wednesday, June 09, 2004

48 Hours, Another 48 hours, A Week and 48 hours later...

John: Yo, T. Let's start a blog.
T: Okay. What's a blog?
John: Its just a poster board where we can rant and rave for free.
T: Sounds cool. Sign me up.

Two to 3 weeks later:
John: T, you need to post.
T: What? What do I need to post?
John: The blog I set up.
T: Oh yeah. Okay, I'll go post.

A week later:
John: Check out my post.
T: Yeah okay. Maybe not.
John: ???
T: That wasn't phallic?
John: Dumbass.

A day or two later:
T: Check out my recent post!
John: See. There you go!

Okay. Now if you go and read our posts, and I'll admit, John has posted much more than I, you may see a pattern developing. Its like Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte. Two unlikely heroes, one throwing slap-stick street humor around, and the other not very humorous at all. Instead, he's just bitchy. Both suck at what they do (we're giving it some good effort), its a wonder the blogger community puts up with this tasteless--no not tasteless, rather its just missing the sizzle. Oh well, back to my Suzanne Vega song...duh duh da da duh duh da da duh duh da da duh duh da da....


Unknown said...

Isnt blogging addicting. More so than porn I think. LOL
Thanks for checking out my site.

Anonymous said...

Thats freaky :(

Pup said...

It's such a strange connection with people when you read blogs. You have these conceptions of them based on what they write. I wonder how true they actually are if you ever get to meet them.

Anyone ever met some new just from blogging?