Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Man if I knew anything about animation/cartooning I would be set. I got the storyboard and dialog. I hope no one becomes bored by this or runs off to become a transvestite. Oh yeah, the names of the innocent have been protected (except for Ko, you deserve what's coming your way)

T and Pup hanging out at Pup's crib
T: Yo, Pup. I think I scored a date for this weekend.
Pup: Yeah. With who?
T: I don't know. Some girl.
Pup: Ya got to do better than that.
T: Here's how it happened. I went for a walk Saturday afternoon and started a conversation with a neighbor. She tells me she wants to introduce me to someone. So I'm like cool. Just tell me what I gotta do.
Pup: What you mean what you gotta do? You need to figure that out on your own, dumbass. You getting no help.
T: Man, shut up.
Pup: I aint playing.
T: Here's what I gotta do: I gotta go to church this Sunday.
in walks Ko
Ko: T, you going to church? I hear there are some cuties up in the Lord's House, yo. You need to be reaping the Lord's blessings!!!
T and Pup: Ko, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
Ko: Sorry dudes. I was just passing through to get a doughnut before I take a nap. I'll see you chumps later.
exit the Ko
Pup: So you going to church?
T: Yeah, I guess I gotta go. Can't let my neighbor down.
Pup: Look, you don't need that wimpy ass attitude of yours. Be a man!!! Bring your A Game. Don't bring your B Game and definitely don't bring your Ko Game.
T: Can I bring my game boy?
Pup: ABSOLUTELY NO!!! And no mention of Zelda either. I ought to smack you.
T forshadowing events yet to happen
T: Hi. Um.... What's your name again?
Girl: Not Zelda.
T: Yeah, that's what I thought. That's, um, that's very nice. sigh.
daydream ends
T: Man, Zelda is such a kick ass game, dog.
Pup: You'll be sitting there for the rest of your life playing Zelda and not knowing what its really like to be someone's prince or a hero to someone very special.
T: ???
Pup: That's right, chump.
T turns on his gameboy advance to run a mission in Final Fantasy Tactics, on the sly he's ignoring Pup for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes later:
T: Did I tell you she's an Ivy League graduate? Yale or Harvard or something.
Pup: Oh snap, T!!! You gotta get up wit it. Man, you really need your A Game!!!
T: Dude I don't even know where Harvard is. She's out of my league. I went to a po' dunk college in the dirty south. At the freshman assembly they asked:
Emcee: By a show of hands, how many of you are here on Presidential Scholarships?
I raised my hand and said, "Sir, I'm here because of affirmative action. Does that count?" They told me to keep my lips shut on that topic and they'll give me a full ride. Just like that, and I had the whole fours years made. 0.5 GPA, baby!
Pup: News flash: There is no such thing as leagues. It's just one big ass game. But you have to know how to play!

Question to the audience:
Do you think the girl is out of T's league? Why or why not?
Are there leagues? yes/no. Give an example.


Pup said...

First of all, you've never even met her. Simply being from an Ivy league school doesn't mean much by itself. My Uni was in the top 20 in the country. So what? I'm still Ghetto. Still hang with Ski and Nikki, so what? I had fried chicken and a 40oz for dinner last night from Rosco's. Know yo roots. I digress.

I used to think there were leagues too, but that's just stupid. Both because you give her too much credit and give yourself too little. There are no men or women that are "unachieveable". Well, unless they have a restraining order out on you.

Pup said...

I believe Satu's already spoken for.

Pup said...

I have no idea who you people are talking about. And if I did know, y'all need to let that go.