Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Mother Nature, I give up.

It was about midnight last night. I was sitting on my futon by the window with the fan on full blast. Having suffered through 90 degree weather all day, midnight only brought 3 degrees of relieve as the temp. stayed at a nasty 87 degrees. All the fan was doing now was blowing warm air and humidity on me. It’s like a giant sweat machine. So I was lying there mostly naked drowning in my own sweat. Not a pleasant sight.

I finally decided to turn on the air. For those of you that know me, this is a big thing. I NEVER turn on the air or heat. I’m in training for a post-apocalyptical earth where the climates will be extreme and I’ll be the only bad ass able to function properly. I’m smooth like that. I digress.

Well, actually, there’s not too much to this post other than to say I can’t handle this heat. Mother nature, you take this round, but I’ll get you yet!


sarahred is smokeylonglong said...

I also have a futon. Thankfully it's winter in Australia, so I can sleep on it without the whole sweat drowning thing going on. I saw those badgers (It was you who posted that link, right?) and they were strangely hypnotic. Thank you.

Pup said...

Lady Charisse -
Oh I've tried getting used to it.. it's so not working out. I think it cause I'm getting too old. You young Lassies are better at adapting to heat and lying there naked :)

Sarah -
No problem. I try to spead badgerbadgerbadger as much as possible. It's brilliant... mushroom...
Brillant blog you have BTW, love reading it!

Unknown said...

God bless motha nature... She's a single woman too
She took on the heavens, and she showed them what to do..
Its raining men... Halelujia, its raining men (thunderclap) Amen!
Im gonna go out, Im gonna let myself get... absolutely soaking wet...

-Rip off the roof and stay in bed!

Love your blog! btw

Pup said...

Oh my god, flash back of a couple of months ago when I sang that song at a Karakoe bar. Lots and lots of alcohol involved. I got tricked into singing it.. I was acting all angry.. I really wasn't though ;)