Friday, July 23, 2004


First of all, I aint Pup. I aint Ko neither. I'm T. Damnit, get your learn on or something!!!

Second, now that you know who I am, you needs to start commenting on my shit! Comment on old post. I don't care.

Third, Pup you're a big choad. Now I've got a story that makes me look like a chump (coming soon...), but still how can you be a man and let an opportunity like that pass you by?

Fourth, why the hell is it soooo hot?

Fifth, whoever put that dint on my car door is gonna die!!! Learn to open your car door slowly. It took me awhile, but I got it down. Though, the dint may be an improvement alongside the 20 other dints. That's right, I'm counting!!!

Sixth, What the hell is up with gas prices? I live three miles from work, and every other week I'm paying 17 bucks for 10 gallons!!! Aint that a bitch? I know, that really isn't bad, but its the principal of the thing. Glad I don't own a SUV! Suckers!!! It doesn't help that I now provide a taxi service for a hot chick (more to come later).

Seventh, I may be the only person in America that has logged 303 hours of game play on Final Fantasy Advance: Tactics, and I still haven't seen the end of the game. Oh, I beat it once and just kept playing but who the hell would design a game with no ending? Stupid programmers. Strike that. I'm not complaining since its such a kick-ass game :)

Eighth, if you comment on my posts I'll give you a free lap dance!


Pup said...

Beggin for comments... now you getting low...

Sorry I had to erase your post.

LiAps said...

Nothing wrong with begging for comments. Of course, when I do it it's completely ineffective.

Pup said...

It's all coming back this weekend when I'll finally be home and can work on important stuff like this.

All this work is crap.

Just so you know LiAps.. I read your post like 4 times a day.