Monday, July 12, 2004

Top 5 Sayings I Love Hearing (in no particular order)

Another Round/Pitcher?
Good Mornin' sweety!
We're going to Vegas!
Welcome home honey.
Yea, we got boiled peanuts and sweet tea here.

You want the chicken and eggs, scrabbled, hash browns scattered topped and diced right?


sarahred is smokeylonglong said...

Oh, that's free actually.
This round is on me!
We're going ....(Anywhere. I'm not picky)
You can fit your whole head in it!
You've lost weight.

Thing I never want to hear:
Oh, that's not good. (From anyone vaguely medical)

Pup said...

More things I like to hear:

It's not yo baby.
It's the five o'clock free crack give a away!
Pup, the charges against you have been dropped.

Pup said...

Bonus points if you know where the bonus statement from the post is from.

T and Ko, you can't answer.

LiAps said...

Are you giving bonus points for being able to identify the Hizzouse? I don't know from your chicken and eggs, and I don't know what the hell Scrabbled means, but I know all about 7 ways to make your day at America's Place to Eat!

Kate the Peon said...

I'm embarrassed to admit this...but I thought T and Ko and Pup were all the same. Aren't they?

Pup said...

Good food fast. That's the motto.

Luckily for me, Pup, T and Ko are not the same person. That would make this blog more interesting though with that distinct of a difference in personality.

I think T and Ko may be lovers though. But that may just be rumors :)

Pup said...

Oh, those pics with Ko's girl? Yea, they are kinda freaky and illegal in most states.

T - I think LiAps is talking about the same place as I am. Place where Bert's Chili is supreme (topped). Diced is tomatoes.

LiAps - The last time I checked they're up to 9 ways to make your day now.

Anonymous said...

5 Things vadergrrrl loves to here

Have a drink on me
Good morning, Im up and ready
Were going to AMSTERDAM via Vegas
Welcome to Oz
Green eggs and Ham
All I need are some cool waves, some tasty buds and Im fine....


Pup said...

Argh... "we need to talk". When you hear those words.. RUN. I don't care what you're doing. Just run. Drop everything! Nothing good has EVER come after those words.

"we need to talk.... you've just won the lottery" = never
"we need to talk.... you have a terminal disease" = very likely
"we need to talk.... I want to sleep with you" = never
"we need to talk.... I'm sleeping with your dad" = more probably than above statement